ASCO is the leading oil and gas industry waste management provider to the UK North Sea. ASCO Waste Management was previously delivered under the Enviroco brand, however, due to increased integration of our services, our waste provision is now delivered under the ASCO banner. We offer a fully integrated total waste management and industrial tank cleaning solution, providing a single point of contact for all waste handling and disposal requirements whilst ensuring that tough compliance and documentation standards are met. ASCO's independence enables it to identify the most cost effective and environmentally sustainable waste routings, leveraging innovative treatment methodologies to reduce cost and minimise waste sent to landfill. Our network of infrastructure in the UK provides significant strategic advantage over our competitors by facilitating direct waste discharge at the quayside, enhancing operational safety and optimising vessel turnaround efficiency and cost for our clients.
In addition, the ASCO joint venture, NORM Solutions, is the leading provider of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) receipt and decontamination services in the UK, handling 40% of all contaminated materials originating from the oil and gas industry. Internationally, ASCO Manatokan provides waste management, vacuum trucks and fluid/waste haulage services in support of the Alberta oil patch and our AT&L brand in Australia provides waste transportation across Western Australia.
ASCO's service offering to the decommissioning market brings together our end-to-end logistics and waste capability, delivering a "quayside to re-use or disposal" solution for the UK North Sea. We currently handle a sizeable percentage of small decommissioning-related material via our supply base operations and we are growing our capability to deliver a fully integrated proposition for both operators and tier 1/2 contractors – from transport, quayside operations and waste management. We also provide strategic advice to clients on the optimised depletion of materials in the lead up to the start of asset decommissioning.